AutoFox® Protein Footprinting System Provides Amino Acid Resolution for Protein HOS Studies


The AutoFox® Protein Footprinting System is a mass spectrometry-enabled platform for mapping protein structures and detecting interaction sites by oxidizing solvent-accessible amino acids. As structural changes or protein interactions affect solvent accessibility, modification levels shift accordingly. The AutoFox System is coupled with bottom-up proteomics and reverse-phase chromatography to localize and quantify the extent of oxidation. Ion mobility separation further enhances resolution by resolving co-eluted, isobaric peptides before MS/MS fragmentation, improving residue-level precision.


Dr. Emily Chea received her PhD while studying with Professor Dr. Lisa Jones at the University of Maryland, Baltimore. Emily has made significant contributions to the development of HRPF, with particular emphasis on in-cell FPOP (IC-FPOP) for proteome-wide structural biology characterization of cellular drug–target interactions. Currently, Emily is a key member of the GenNext scientific team in her role as an Applied Research Scientist Manager.

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