The Next Generation of
Protein HOS Analysis

Reinventing Protein Higher Order Structural Analysis via State-of-the-Art Protein Footprinting
The Fox® Protein Footprinting System employs hydroxyl radicals (•OH) to examine the solvent accessibility of amino acid side chains within a protein. By selectively abstracting hydrogen atoms from exposed amino acids, •OH radicals induce the formation of oxidation products, enabling the detection and analysis of vital information concerning protein structure and dynamics. Automated HRPF, made possible by the Fox System, delivers crucial HOS information that greatly influences the safety, efficacy, and quality of biologics.
Comprised of a user-friendly benchtop instrument coupled with intuitive data analysis software, the Fox System makes it possible for biopharmaceutical researchers to easily and efficiently unravel the mysteries of protein HOS. This powerful tool opens new avenues for studying and understanding proteins, accelerating advancements in biopharmaceutical research and development.
Direct Assessment of Solvent Accessibility
Higher-Order Structure Validation
High Spatial Resolution
Versatility Across Protein Classes
Complementary to Other Techniques
Protein-Protein Interactions
Epitope & Paratope Mapping
Protein-Ligand Interactions
Protein Folding & Conformational Changes
Regions Impacted by Allostery
Glycoprotein Structure & Function
Rapidly Test Structural Models
Hands-Free, High-Throughput
Hydroxyl Radical Protein Footprinting

With the launch of our new AutoFox® Protein Footprinting System, GenNext is empowering structural biology researchers to perform fully-automated Hydroxyl Radical Protein Footprinting (HRPF) without the need for expensive, complicated, and hazardous lasers. Plus, GenNext’s FoxWare® Software removes data processing bottlenecks with this powerful program tailored to meet the demands of HOS analysis.
Learn how our products can easily fit into your lab’s workflow or test-drive the Fox System on an outsourced project basis.
HRPF Services for Monoclonal Antibodies
Let the experienced GenNext research team generate high-value information on the characterization of monoclonal antibodies (mAb) for more effective and safe biologics. Start a project today to study antigen-binding sites, epitope/paratope mapping, host antibody responses, antibody aggregation, and more.
In mAb design, use the high-resolution structural information generated from HRPF for epitope and paratope mapping to accelerate the rational design of therapeutics. In mAb production, use HRPF to monitor mAb structure during scale-up to ensure batch-to-batch structure stability over time, ensuring product shelf life and continued efficacy.
Unlike other protein structure analysis techniques, the Fox Protein Footprinting System delivers dynamic, in-solution structure and interaction information for a wide range of protein sizes, states, and concentrations.
GenNext News
Why Partner with GenNext?
Hear from luminaries in structural biology research on why they decided to join the GenNext Technologies Scientific Advisory Board to help develop and advocate for Flash Oxidation (Fox®) Hydroxyl Radical Protein Footprinting technology. These important partnerships underscore our commitment to advancing structural biology research and increasing the value of Fox technology in the biopharmaceutical industry.